Understanding Common Errors
How to get deal with various problems in your Selenium code.
Invalid Selector Exception
CSS and XPath Selectors are sometimes difficult to get correct.
Likely Cause
The CSS or XPath selector you are trying to use has invalid characters or an invalid query.
Possible Solutions
Run your selector through a validator service:
Or use a browser extension to get a known good value:
No Such Element Exception
The element can not be found at the exact moment you attempted to locate it.
Likely Cause
- You are looking for the element in the wrong place (perhaps a previous action was unsuccessful).
- You are looking for the element at the wrong time (the element has not shown up in the DOM, yet)
- The locator has changed since you wrote the code
Possible Solutions
- Make sure you are on the page you expect to be on, and that previous actions in your code completed correctly
- Make sure you are using a proper Waiting Strategy
- Update the locator with the browser’s devtools console or use a browser extension like:
Stale Element Reference Exception
An element goes stale when it was previously located, but can not be currently accessed.
Elements do not get relocated automatically; the driver creates a reference ID for the element and
has a particular place it expects to find it in the DOM. If it can not find the element
in the current DOM, any action using that element will result in this exception.
Common Causes
This can happen when:
- You have refreshed the page, or the DOM of the page has dynamically changed.
- You have navigated to a different page.
- You have switched to another window or into or out of a frame or iframe.
Common Solutions
The DOM has changed
When the page is refreshed or items on the page have moved around, there is still
an element with the desired locator on the page, it is just no longer accessible
by the element object being used, and the element must be relocated before it can be used again.
This is often done in one of two ways:
Always relocate the element every time you go to use it. The likelihood of
the element going stale in the microseconds between locating and using the element
is small, though possible. The downside is that this is not the most efficient approach,
especially when running on a remote grid.
Wrap the Web Element with another object that stores the locator, and caches the
located Selenium element. When taking actions with this wrapped object, you can
attempt to use the cached object if previously located, and if it is stale, exception
can be caught, the element relocated with the stored locator, and the method re-tried.
This is more efficient, but it can cause problems if the locator you’re using
references a different element (and not the one you want) after the page has changed.
The Context has changed
Element objects are stored for a given context, so if you move to a different context —
like a different window or a different frame or iframe — the element reference will
still be valid, but will be temporarily inaccessible. In this scenario, it won’t
help to relocate the element, because it doesn’t exist in the current context.
To fix this, you need to make sure to switch back to the correct context before using the element.
The Page has changed
This scenario is when you haven’t just changed contexts, you have navigated to another page
and have destroyed the context in which the element was located.
You can’t just relocate it from the current context,
and you can’t switch back to an active context where it is valid. If this is the reason
for your error, you must both navigate back to the correct location and relocate it.
1 - Unable to Locate Driver Error
Troubleshooting missing path to driver executable.
Historically, this is the most common error beginning Selenium users get
when trying to run code for the first time:
The path to the driver executable must
be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property;
for more information, see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/.
The latest version can be downloaded from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
The executable chromedriver needs to be available in the path.
The file geckodriver does not exist. The driver can be downloaded at https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases"
Unable to locate the chromedriver executable;
Likely cause
Through WebDriver, Selenium supports all major browsers.
In order to drive the requested browser, Selenium needs to
send commands to it via an executable driver.
This error means the necessary driver could not be
found by any of the means Selenium attempts to use.
Possible solutions
There are several ways to ensure Selenium gets the driver it needs.
Use the latest version of Selenium
As of Selenium 4.6, Selenium downloads the correct driver for you.
You shouldn’t need to do anything. If you are using the latest version
of Selenium and you are getting an error,
please turn on logging
and file a bug report with that information.
If you want to read more information about how Selenium manages driver downloads for you,
you can read about the Selenium Manager.
Use the PATH
environment variable
This option first requires manually downloading the driver.
This is a flexible option to change location of drivers without having to update your code,
and will work on multiple machines without requiring that each machine put the
drivers in the same place.
You can either place the drivers in a directory that is already listed in PATH
or you can place them in a directory and add it to PATH
To see what directories are already on PATH
, open a Terminal and execute:
If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed,
you can add a new directory to PATH:
You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:
To see what directories are already on PATH
, open a Terminal and execute:
If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed,
you can add a new directory to PATH:
You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:
To see what directories are already on PATH
, open a Command Prompt and execute:
If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed,
you can add a new directory to PATH:
You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:
Specify the location of the driver
If you cannot upgrade to the latest version of Selenium, you
do not want Selenium to download drivers for you, and you can’t figure
out the environment variables, you can specify the location of the driver in the Service object.
You first need to download the desired driver,
then create an instance of the applicable Service
class and
set the path.
Specifying the location in the code itself has the advantage of not needing
to figure out Environment Variables on your system, but has the drawback of
making the code less flexible.
Driver management libraries
Before Selenium managed drivers itself, other projects were created to
do so for you.
If you can’t use Selenium Manager because you are using
an older version of Selenium (please upgrade),
or need an advanced feature not yet implemented by Selenium Manager,
you might try one of these tools to keep your drivers automatically updated:
Download the driver
Nota: O Opera driver já não inclui as funcionalidades mais recentes do Selenium e oficialmente deixou de ser suportado.